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- Mail | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Mail Fowarding Forwarding from USA Forwarding from Germany Certified Mail APO Addresses APO & Amazon Custom Forms Prohibited Mail Internationally Prohibited Mail Into Germany Prohibited Mail USAG Stuttgart Translations Mail 1 Mail 2 Mail 3 Mail 4 Mail 5 Mail 6 Mail 7 Mail 8 Mail 9 Mail 10 Mail Moving to a new country can be an exciting but also overwhelming experience. There are so many things to think about and organize, and one of those things is how to handle your mail. Here are some things you should know about mail in Germany : Postal addresses in Germany are formatted differently than in some other countries. The format is: Name of recipient, street name and house number, postal code, city or town. For example: Herr Max Mustermann Musterstraße 123 12345 Musterstadt Postal codes in Germany are made up of five digits. The first two digits represent the city or region, and the last three represent the delivery area within that city or region. Germany has a comprehensive and efficient postal system, and mail delivery is generally reliable. However, it is not uncommon for mail to be delayed, especially around holidays. If you are moving from Germany and want your mail forwarded to your new address, you can fill out a form at the post office or online to have your mail forwarded for a period of time. This service is called "Nachsendeauftrag" in German. If you rent a place in Germany, you may need to provide a copy of your rental contract to the post office to receive mail at your new address. If you live in a shared apartment or house, you must have everyone's last name listed on the mailbox for each individual or family living there. It is also a good idea to inform your bank, employer, and any other important contacts of your new address in Germany so that you can receive important mail and documents without delay. Moving to a new country can be daunting, but with some planning and organization, you can make the transition as smooth as possible. Don't forget to take care of your mail, as it is an important aspect of settling into your new home. Navigate to Forwarding Learn how to forward your mail from USPS and Deutsche Post. Read More Certified Mail Learn how to send a certified letter through Deutsche Post. Read More APO Addresses Explore the ins and out about shipping to and from your APO including how to fill out those pesky customs forms. Read More Translations Learn common German words related to mail with our helpful English to German translation guide. Read More Mail Forwarding Completing an online form only takes a few minutes to forward your mail to your new address. However, keep in mind that it may take longer for mail to reach you from another country and that there may be customs fees or other charges associated with receiving mail from abroad. Below you will find the steps to forward your mail from the USA to Germany and from Germany to anywhere else in the world. Navigate to Forwarding from the USA View More Forwarding from Germany View More Mail Fowarding Mail Forwarding from the USA The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a mail forwarding service for individuals moving or temporarily changing their mailing address. Mail forwarding begins within three business days of your submitted request, but it can take up to 2 weeks. Mail will be forwarded as USPS receives it. Do not forget to complete a change of address form when leaving for your CMR. Types of Mail Forwarded for Free First-Class™ mail forwarded for 12 months Periodicals (newsletters and magazines) forwarded for 6 months Premium shipping services (Priority Mail®, Priority Mail Express®, First-Class Package®) forwarded for 12 months Types of Mail Forwarded for the Cost of Shipping Media Mail® and USPS Retail Ground® forwarded for 12 months Types of Mail Not Forwarded USPS Marketing Mail® is not forwarded unless specifically requested . How to Change Your USA Address Forward Your Mail to an International Address To Forward your mail to an international address, you must visit the post office in person and complete a PS Form 3575. Forward Your Mail To or From an APO/FPO To change your address to or from an APO/FPO, start by visiting the USPS Change of Address site. At this time, you can also update your voter registration. Mail Forwarding from Germany Deutsche Post offers a mail forwarding service for individuals moving or temporarily changing their mailing address. Submit your request five business days before mail forwarding should start. After that, Deutsche Post forwards all mail for 12 months. Forward Your Mail From Germany Download Chrome before beginning for automatic translation of the Deutsche Post site. The English version of their site does not give the same options. Download Chrome Forwarding from USA Forwarding from Germany How to Send a Registered Letter via Deutsche Post Todas las cartas de cancelación deben enviarse por correo certificado . To send a letter or package using registered mail through Deutsche Post, you can visit a post office and request the service or arrange for registered mail delivery online. Once your mail item has been processed and sent, you can track its progress through the Deutsche Post tracking system. APO An APO address is a military address used for sending mail to military personnel stationed overseas or in areas where standard USPS delivery is unavailable. APO stands for "Army Post Office," and all branches of the military use this type of address. One of the main benefits of having an APO address is that it allows military personnel to receive mail and packages from the United States while stationed abroad. Are you confused about what you can ship to and from your APO? Have questions about Amazon shipping to an APO? Need help filling out a customs form? You can find the answers to these questions and more below. Navigate to APO Addresses & Amazon View More How to Complete a Customs Form View More Prohibited Items Sent Internationally View More Prohibited Items Sent Into Germany View More Prohibited Mail To & From USAG Stuttgart View More Certified Mail APO Addresses APO Addresses & Amazon There seems to be much confusion regarding how to use Amazon with an APO . An APO is a USA Address Use Amazon.com to order something to be sent to your APO address. Use Amazon.de to have something sent directly to your house. However, if you use Amazon.de to have something sent to your APO, it will be first sent to the USA and then back to Germany, and you may have to pay tariffs on the item. It has been said that there are some problems when ordering from Amazon.de and shipping to your home address on the base. So instead of sending it to your home, the easiest solution is to send it to a pick-up location . To ship to pick-up locations, the items must be dispatched or fulfilled by Amazon.de . Amazon Pick-Up Locations Closest to Base Housing Kelley Pick-Up Times Monday-Sunday-- 24 Hours Patch Pick-Up Times Monday-Sunday-- 24 Hours Panzer Pick-Up Times Monday-Friday--0800-1800 Saturday-- 0800-1200 Robinson Pick-Up Times Monday-Saturday-- 0700-2359 APO & Amazon Customs Forms USPS on base will no longer accept handwritten customs forms. Instead, you can print your postage and customs forms at home, making the process faster at the post office. Weigh your packages using your kitchen or bathroom scale for a large box. If you don't have a printer, you can complete the customs form using the computer at the post office. All items weighing over 16 ounces must have customs forms. This includes returned items. Packages from an APO to an APO/FPO/DPO must have a customs form, including packages shipped to another APO/FPO/DPO. Custom Forms How to Complete a Customs Form Los siguientes pasos se basan en el envío de un regalo o documentos, no en los artículos que se venden. Step 1 Enter Sender's Information Fill out your name and address. Step 2 Enter Recipients's Information Fill out the recipient's name & address. Step 3 Enter Weight of Package Include the weight of the box. Only enter the dimensions of your package if over 12." No preprinted USPS Priority boxes measure over 12". Step 4 Select Mailing Service Shipping to an APO/FPO from an APO, you still must select the package type, but you need not purchase postage. Step 5 Select Non-Delivery Option The best choice is to return it to the sender. Your package will be returned to you if the package is undeliverable. Step 6 Enter Package Information Select an option under contents, usually gift or documents. Under Contents Description, type in the word Gift or Documents. The rest you can leave blank. Step 7 Enter Item Information Each item you send needs to have all information entered unless the same type. Enter Detailed Description Enter a short description of the item. Example: Candy Enter Item Value Do not add the value if sending multiples of the same item. This au tomatically calculates. According to the post office clerks in Stuttgart, food cannot have value. I cannot find anywhere in the USPS regulations food may not have a value. You can't leave the value blank. I usually enter $0.10- $0.25 per food item. Enter Quanity How many of this item are you shipping? Enter Weight Enter the individual weight of the item. This will automatically calculate for multiple same-type items. Tarif Number & Country of Origin Leave both of these fields blank. Complete After all information is entered click add item(s) . Step 8 Select Export Information Select package val ue is less than $2500 Step 9 Restrictions & Prohibitions Select Next: Review and Print By selecting the next step, you agree you are not sending any restricted or prohibited materials. Example of Completed Customs Form The following example is based on sending this gift in a large flat-rate box. This customs form is, for example, only. Ensure you follow the rules of the country you are shipping from and to. Prohibited Items Many items are prohibited from being sent internationally through the mail or other shipping methods. These restrictions are placed for various reasons, including safety, security, and cultural sensitivity. Prohibited Mail Internationally Prohibited Items From being Shipped Internationally Simply put, do not mail anything that can explode or rot. Aerosoles Bolsas de aire Bebidas alcohólicas Munición Cigarrillos Hielo seco Explosivos Frutas y Verduras Frescas Gasolina Marihuana (medicinal o de otro tipo) Esmalte de uñas Perfumes (que contienen alcohol) Venenos Dry Ice Explosives Fresh Fruits Fresh Vegetables Gasoline Sin materiales peligrosos Explosivos Gases. Líquidos inflamables y combustibles Sólidos inflamables Sustancias orgánicas, peróxidos orgánicos Sustancias tóxicas y sustancias infecciosas Material radioactivo Corrosivos Miscelánea Sin materiales restringidos Licores embriagantes Armas de fuego Cuchillos e instrumentos afilados Líquidos, polvos y materiales que producen olores. Llaves maestras de vehículos de motor y dispositivos de cerrajería Sustancias y drogas controladas Muestras promocionales no solicitadas Instrumentos para su uso en empresas de lucha animal Cigarrillos y tabaco sin humo Sin materia perecedera Animales Comida Fresca Huevos Carnes y productos cárnicos Plantas Plagas de plantas no enviadas, animales dañinos y peces o vida silvestre capturados ilegalmente Specific Items Prohibited to Mail Into Germany Melatonina Ajenjo Armas y armas, incluidas armas de fuego, partes de armas, municiones y armas de imitación Artículos con anotaciones políticas o religiosas en el lado de la dirección. Restos humanos Pilas y baterías de litio, incluidos los elementos que contienen pilas y baterías de litio Plantas y animales vivos Melatonina Sustancias biológicas infecciosas perecederas Jugando a las cartas, excepto en mazos completos debidamente envueltos Granos de coca pulverizados Materiales radioactivos Prohibited Mail Into Germany Items Prohibited to Be Mailed Into & Out of USAG Stuttgart Cigarrillos y otros productos de tabaco, incluidas hojas de tabaco, tabaco de mascar y de pipa, rapé y puros Café Medicamentos, vitaminas y suplementos para humanos o animales, excepciones para farmacias designadas, etc. Réplica de armas y dispositivos explosivos inertes y piezas de armas Carnes, incluidas las conservas de carne, huesos, piel, pelo, plumas, cuernos o pezuñas de animales ungulados y muestras de lana, incluso herméticamente selladas Frutas, verduras, animales vivos y plantas vivas. Todas las bebidas alcohólicas. Cannabinoides sintéticos Puede encontrar las explicaciones completas de las restricciones en el Boletín Postal. Encuentre las restricciones para otros códigos postales APO / FPO / DPO aquí . The complete explanations of the restrictions can be found in USPS Postal Bulletin 25 February 2021. Find the restrictions for other APO/FPO/DPO zip codes here . Prohibited Mail USAG Stuttgart Translations English Address Box Certified City Customer Envelope First Name Forwarding Last Name Letter Mail Mail Box Move Package Pick up Postage Stamp Purchase Receive Send Small Package State Tape Zip Code German Adresse Box Einschreiben Stadt Kunde ( in ) Briefumschlag Vorname Weiterleitung Nachname Brief Post Briefkasten Umzug Paket abholen Briefmarke kaufen erhalten schicken Päckchen Land Klebeband Postleitzahl *Text coloring indicates the article's gender der / die / das / die Translations
- Grocery Shopping | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Tips Customer Reward Cards Grocery Stores Translations & Explanations German Flour Types German Sugar Types Meat Food Translations Grocery Shopping 1 Grocery Shopping 2 Grocery Shopping 3 Grocery Shopping 4 Grocery Shopping 5 Grocery Shopping 6 Grocery Shopping 7 Grocery Shopping 8 Grocery Shopping 9 Grocery Shopping 10 Grocery Shopping 11 Grocery Shopping 12 Grocery Shopping 13 Grocery Shopping 14 Compras de comestibles Grocery shopping can be a very different experience depending on where you are in the world. One of the first things you may notice when grocery shopping in Germany is the abundance of fresh produce. German markets and supermarkets often have a wide variety of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. You'll also find a more extensive selection of organic produce in Germany. Another difference is the way that food is packaged and sold. In Germany, it is common to find loose produce that you weigh and pay for by the kilogram. This allows you to buy as much or as little as you need. Regarding meat products, you may notice that the selection in Germany is generally smaller than in the United States. You will also not find mega-sized packs of pre-packaged foods and not as many convenience foods compared to the United States. This is because most products sold in grocery stores are generally much healthier, and most people cook from scratch. However, the available products tend to be of higher quality, with many options for organic and locally sourced products. Another difference is the way that stores are organized. In the United States, supermarkets are typically organized by food type, with separate aisles for produce, meats, dairy, and so on. In Germany, stores are often organized by product type, with different areas for fresh produce, meats, and other grocery items. One final difference to note is the availability of international foods. It is common to find a wide variety of international foods in the United States at the grocery store. However, you may have to go to a specialty store or market to find certain global products in Germany. Tips Navigate to Helpful Tips Stuttgart FAQ offers up our most helpful tips to take the stress out of grocery shopping in Germany. Read More Reward Cards Get cash in your pocket by joining a customer reward program at your favorite grocery store. Read More Grocery Stores Stuttgart has a wide range of grocery stores for all of your household needs. Let us help yo find your favorite store. Read More Explanations Navigating the different types of flour, sugar, and cuts of meat can be challenging, but we have you covered. Read More Translations The complete translations guide for English to German for grocery shopping. Read More Consejos útiles Grocery Stores are closed Sundays. Plan ahead! Bagging at checkout will feel like an impromptu hand-eye coordination test. Sign up for customer loyalty cards. Points = Shopping CREDIT that’s cash in your pocket! Read More Weigh and tag your fruits and vegetables. Place your item on the scale, enter the PLU code f ound on the price tag near the item, stick the tag on your item. Embrace reusable shopping bags; you will be saving the planet and money. But, if you forget, don't worry. You can purchase a one there. Eggs are sold on shelves rather than in the refrigerated section of stores. You can find dyed eggs, which are hard-boiled, for sale all year. Always have a 1€ or a 50¢ coin for the shopping cart deposit. Insert coin here For coin return, lock cart to another cart and the coin pops out Customer Loyalty Cards Grocery store loyalty cards can be a great way to save money on everyday purchases, and Stuttgart is no exception. Many of the major grocery store chains in Stuttgart offer loyalty cards that can help you save on your groceries, access special deals and discounts, and accrue points that you can use for store credit. Customer Reward Cards Use Payback at 30 local partners and over 600 online partners. Collect points and receive coupons at stores like Rewe, DM, Real, Alnatura, Penny, and more. Sign Up Now Use the DeutschlandCard bonus card to collect valuable points at Edeka, Netto, ESSO, and many more when you shop. In addition, you will receive exclusive coupon offers and attractive rewards. Sign Up Now Weekly deals only for cardholders saving you more money. Collect points to use towards a loyalty campaign or coupons. Sign Up Now For every 30€ you spend, you will receive a 5€ discount. Also you will receive weekly deals on items. Sign Up Now Earn points for ev ery 2€ spent that can be redeemed for in-store credit. Receive e xclusive weekly offers, vouchers, and coupons. Sign Up Now Tiendas de comestibles Grocery shopping in Germany is a convenient and often enjoyable experience, with a wide variety of stores to choose from. One type of grocery store that you will find in most German cities and towns is the "Supermarkt," or supermarket. These stores offer a wide range of products, including fresh produce, meat, dairy, baked goods, and non-perishable items like cleaning supplies and personal care products. Another common type of grocery store in Germany is the "Discounter". These stores offer a limited selection of products at meager prices. Discounters are an excellent option for people looking to save money on essential household items. In addition to supermarkets and discounters, Germany has many "Bio" or organic grocery stores. These stores specialize in selling organic and natural products, including produce, meat, and dairy. Finally, Germany is home to many open-air markets, or "Wochenmärkte," where you can buy fresh produce, meat, and other products directly from local farmers. These markets are excellent for people who support local agriculture and try unique, seasonal products. Overall, grocery shopping in Germany is convenient and offers a wide range of options for people with different budgets and preferences. So whether you prefer the convenience of a supermarket or the freshness of a farmer's market, you are sure to find what you need in Germany. Below, Stuttgart FAQ will navigate you through some of the most popular grocery chains, specialty stores, and farmers' markets, along with some of our favorite products from these stores. Grocery Stores Navigate to Supermarkets View More Bio Stores View More Hypermarkets View More Speciality Stores View More Discounters View More Commissary View More This site contains links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Supermarkets REWE is one of the strongest brands in the food trade. The entire REWE range can be ordered online with the REWE delivery service. Kräuterbutter REWE herb-infused butter is delicious on pretzels. Grab-and-Go Snacks REWE sells an excellent selection of healthy grab-and-go snacks & lunches. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites The EDEKA association is a cooperative association of independent merchants selling quality local products. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Edeka Branded Products Juices, frozen vegetables, trash bags, and many other products are all high-quality at a fraction of the cost of branded items. Potato Pancakes (Latkes) Find them in the produce section. These potato pancakes are delicious, but they sell out fast every day. Hypermarkets Kaufland is a German hypermarket chain. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Items from Around the World Kaufland sells a large selection of products from all over the world at reasonable prices. The Walmart of Germany formerly known as Real. Real accepts VAT forms which can be used for food, alcohol, and more if purchased at the same time. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Spices Stocks a wide range of spices at fantastic prices. Cleaning, Household & Sundry Goods Prices for non-food items are fantastic. Discounters Aldi Süd is a leading discounter selling quality basic grocery items. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Wine Quality wine for under 5€ a bottle including many award-winning wines. Ready-made Salads Aldi carries a great selection of pre-made salads. Lidl is a discount retail chain selling high-quality food items and more at a fair price. We cut our monthly grocery bill in half by shopping at Lidl. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Beer Fat Rhi no IPA is a solid American-style IPA. Steam Brew Bier , a German craft beer line, is excellent. Schwarzwald Gin This 8€ bottle of award-winning gin is made exclusively for Lidl and rivals many top-shelf gins with its quality and taste. Grill Meister Meats Pre-seasoned/marinated meats are ready to go on the grill. A discount subsidiary of Rewe with a focus on more value for the money. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Ready-Made Pizza Dough Refrigerated pizza doughs are available in different styles for under 2€. Larger Size Products Many products are sold in XXL size, perfect for larger families. A discount subsidiary of Edeka selling quality products at a lower price. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites German Beer Netto sells a nice selection of German beers and often cases are on sale for 8€-10€. Pet Treats Brand name dog and cat treats at half the price of other stores. Bio Stores An all-organic producer and a supermarket committed to sustainability and producing quality products at a fair price. Vegetarian/Vegan Foods Alnatura carries a great selection of meat substitutes and organic meats for carnivores. All-natural Body Care Products Alnatura's skin care products, from baby products to make-up, are made without chemicals or artificial dyes. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Tegut is a grocery chain that sells a wide selection with a focus on regionally organic grown products. Stuttgart FAQ's Favorites Gluten-Free Items Tegut sells a large selection of gluten-free products. Speciality Food Stores Schüttgut is a bulk-goods, zero-waste store. Bring your own jar/container and stock up on all your favorite dry goods. Globe This place is fantastic! Find all your favorite products from Mexico and Latin America. Globe Farmer's Markets are plentiful with the most excellent products. Don't leave without trying a cheesecake from Stefan's Käsekuchen. Globe Markthalle is a must-visit in Stuttgart and a fabulous place to take visitors. Markthalle is a massive shopping center with vendors from around the worlds selling fresh produce, meat, fish, seafood and so much more. Tip: There is an upper floor, too. Globe Kelley Barracks Store Hours Saturday-Sunday Closed Monday-Friday 1100-1800 Early Bird Hours 0930-1100 Globe Panzer Kaserne Store Hours Saturday-Sunday Closed Monday-Friday 1100-1800 Early Bird Hours 0930-1100 Globe Patch Barracks Store Hours 7-Days a Week 1000-1900 Early Bird Hours 0800-1000 Globe Robinson Barracks Store Hours Monday & Thursday Closed Saturday & Sunday 1000-1800 (EBH 9-11) Tues/Wed/Fri 1100-1900 (EBH 10-11) Globe Horarios de vacaciones y cierres Speciality Stores Commissary Bio Stores Discounters Hypermarkets Supermarkets Grocery Shopping Translations & Explanations Grocery shopping can be difficult when you are in a new place and trying to navigate unfamiliar products and packaging. It can be incredibly challenging when you don't speak the local language fluently. One of the most complex parts of grocery shopping is figuring out what different types of sugar and flour are called in the local language and what their equivalents are in English. If you are shopping for groceries in Stuttgart and are having trouble with translations, don't worry! Stuttgart FAQ will help you navigate the different types of sugar and flour and English to German translations for almost everything you might need in the grocery store. Whether you are looking for "Hefe" (yeast) to bake bread or "Eier" (eggs) to make a cake, Stuttgart FAQ has the translations you need to make your grocery shopping experience as smooth as possible. So next time you are grocery shopping and need help, remember to bookmark this page for your translation needs. Translations & Explanations Navigate to Types of Flour View More Types of Sugar View More Meat View More Food Translations View More Wheat Flours In Europe, all wheat flours are unbleached, meaning that no chemicals are added, and the nutrients in the flour remain intact. Unbleached flours differ from bleached flours, which are treated with chemicals to lighten their color and change their texture. Flour Type Flour Number Use Whole Wheat Flour 1700 A versatile whole-wheat flour. Dark Whole Wheat Flour 1600 Ideal for baking darker, denser loaves of bread. High-Gluten Flour 1050 Good for baking sourdough bread, pizza crusts, bagels. Bread Flour 812 Perfect for baking all types of bread and hard rolls. All-Purpose Flour 550 Ideal for baking bread, cookies, biscuits, muffins, and croissants. Pastry Flour 405 Great for baking cakes, pastries, pie crusts, and lighter baked goods. Page 1 of 1 German Flour Types In Germany, there are many different types of flour to choose from, which can be confusing. To help you navigate this selection, here is a simple guide to understanding the numbering system for flours in Germany. The higher the number, the darker the flour is. Additionally, you can find instructions on how to make your own cake flour and self-rising flour if they are not readily available. Navigate to Wheat Flours View More Rye Flours View More Spelt Flours View More Flour Recipes View More Flour Translations View More German Flour Types Wheat Flours Rye Flours Rye flour is made from ground rye grains and is commonly used in baking bread and other baked goods. It has a slightly sour and earthy flavor and is often used in combination with wheat flour to make rye bread. Rye flour is lower in gluten than wheat flour, so it is unsuitable for making light and fluffy baked goods like cakes and pastries. However, it can be used to create dense and hearty loaves of bread and crackers, pancakes, and other baked goods. In addition, rye flour is a good fiber source and has many potential health benefits, including improving digestion and reducing the risk of heart disease. Flour Type Flour Number Use Dark Rye Flour 1370 Milled from cleaned rye kernels and is primarily used for dark bread made from a mix of wheat and rye flours with a stronger taste. Pure Dark Rye Flour 1740 Ideal for baking pumpernickel bread or darker wholemeal bread. Medium-Dark Rye Flour 1150 Perfect to mix with wheat flour for a mixed flour bread. Ideal for baking sourdough bread, mixed bread, and rolls Light Rye Flour 960 Good for gingerbread, hearty bread, pastries and spicy dishes Medium Rye Flour 997 Great for baking rye bread, ciabatta, farmhouse bread, or sourdough wholemeal bread Very Light Rye Flour 815 Ideal for baking light pastries, light rye bread, flatbreads, or biscuits. Spelt Flours Spelt flour is made from spelt, a type of wheat that is thought to be more easily digestible than modern wheat. It has a nutty, slightly sweet flavor and is commonly used in baking bread, pasta, and other baked goods. Spelt flour is higher in protein and nutrients than white flour and is a good source of fiber. It can be used in many recipes as a substitute for wheat flour, although it may require adjustments to the amount of liquid and leavening agents used due to its different properties. Some people sensitive to wheat may find they can tolerate spelt flour better. However, it is not gluten-free and unsuitable for people with celiac disease or severe gluten intolerance. Flour Type Flour Number Use Wholegrain Spelt A light flour good for baking cakes, bread, rolls, and biscuits Dark Spelt 1050 Ideal for bread making. Medium Spelt Flour 812 Ideal for pizza dough, yeast breads and yeast pastries. Light Spelt Flour 630 A light flour ideal for baking cakes, bread, rolls, and biscuits. Flour Recipes Cake Flour Ingredients: 500 grams-- 405 Flour 60 grams-- Cornstarch (Speistaerke/Maisstaerke) Directions: Whisk ingredients together and store in an air-tight container. Self-Rising Flour Ingredients: 120 grams-- 405 or 550 Flour 1½ teaspoons-- Baking Powder (Backpulver) ¼ teaspoon-- Salt (Salz) Directions: Whisk ingredients together and store in an air-tight container. Rye Flours Spelt Flours Flour Recipes Traducciones inglés Alemán* Tipos comunes de harina Harina Harina de maíz Harina de centeno Trigo Grano integral Otros tipos de harina Harina de almendra Harina de cebada Harina de trigo sarraceno Harina de garbanzo Harina de coco Harina de Castaño Harina de avena Harina de arroz Sémola Harina de soja Espelta übliche Mehlsorten Mehl Maismehl / Maisgrieß Roggenmehl Weizen Vollkornmehl andere Mehlsorten Mandelmehl Gerstenmehl Buchweizenmehl Kichererbsenmehl Kokosmehl Kastanienmehl Hafermehl Reismehl Grieß Sojamehl Dinkel * El color del texto indica el género del artículo der / die / das / die Flour Translations German Sugar Types If you're new to Germany, you might be surprised by the variety of sugars available at your local store. From refined white sugar to dark, molasses-like brown sugar, there are many different types of sugars to choose from. Below is a quick rundown of some of the most common types of German sugars you'll find in the stores. German brown sugar is a little different than American brown sugar but can be used the same in recipes calling for light brown sugar. Unfortunately, corn syrup may not be readily available in German grocery stores, but you will find suitable substitutions below. German Sugar Types Navigate to Sugar Types View More Sugar Substitutes View More Natural Sweeteners View More Corn Syrup Substitutes View More Sugar Types German English Explanation Vanillin Zucker Vanilla Sugar This is a type of sugar with flavoring added to it. It is for a substitute for flavor extracts. Rohrzucker Raw Cane Sugar This type of sugar is made from unrefined sugarcane juice, and it has a slightly darker, more caramel-like flavor than white sugar. It's often used in baking and as a topping for oatmeal and other breakfast cereals. Raffinade Zucker Granulated White Sugar This is the most common type of sugar in Germany, and it's similar to the white granulated sugar you'll find in other countries. It's made by refining raw sugarcane or beet juice, and it's typically used for baking and sweetening drinks. Puderzucker Confectioners Sugar This type of sugar is made by grinding white sugar into a fine, powdery consistency. It's often used for making icing and other sweet toppings, as well as for dusting cakes and pastries. Hagelzucker A coarse decorating sugar This is made by roughly crushing pressed blocks of sugar. It is mainly used to decorate pastries. Gelierzucker Jelly/Jam Sugar This type of sugar is a preserving sugar for the production of jams and jelly. It contains sugar and gelling agents such as pectin. In addition, jam sugar contains a small amount of vegetable oil. This reduces the foaming that often occurs when preserving cherries and strawberries. Feinster Zucker Superfine Sugar This type of sugar contains particularly fine and therefore it quickly mixes in and is easily soluble. This sugar is perfect for making delicate pastries. Feinzucker Fine Refined White Sugar This type of sugar contains smaller, finer granulated sugar crystals making it perfect for all types of baking. Krümelkandis Finely crushed rock candy This type of sugar is made by slowly crystallizing white sugar in large kettles. It's typically used for sweetening tea and coffee, and it has a hard, crystalline texture. Fine candy sugar is also used in baking. Brauner Zucker Brown Sugar This type of sugar is made by mixing white sugar with molasses, which gives it a dark, caramel-like color and flavor. It's often used in baking and as a topping for things like cookies and cakes. Page 1 of 1 Natural Sweeteners German English Explanation Zuckerrübensirup Cane Syrup Cane syrup is a sweet, amber-colored syrup that is made from the juice of sugar cane. It is commonly used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast foods, and is also used as an ingredient in cooking and baking. Cane syrup is made by boiling down the juice of sugar cane until it reaches the desired consistency and sweetness. It has a rich, caramel-like flavor and is often considered a healthier alternative to regular sugar, as it contains some nutrients such as iron, calcium, and potassium. Stevia Stevia Stevia is a natural sweetener that is derived from the leaves of the stevia plant, which is native to South America. It is a white, crystalline substance that is about 200-300 times sweeter than sugar and is often used as a sugar substitute in food and beverages. Stevia has a low calorie content and does not raise blood sugar levels, making it suitable for people with diabetes and those following a low-carb diet. It is also less likely to cause tooth decay than sugar and is approved for use as a food additive by regulatory agencies around the world. Reissirup Rice Syrup Rice syrup is a sweetener that is made from cooked, fermented rice. It is a thick, amber-colored liquid that has a mild, sweet taste and is similar in consistency to honey. Rice syrup is commonly used as a sweetener in food and beverages, and is also used in cooking and baking. It is a good alternative for people with allergies to wheat or corn, as it is made from rice. Kokosblütenzucker Coconut sugar Coconut sugar is a type of sweetener that is made from the sap of the coconut palm tree. It is a brown, granulated sugar that has a caramel-like flavor and is similar in texture to brown sugar. Coconut sugar is lower on the glycemic index than regular sugar and is often considered a healthier alternative, as it contains some nutrients such as iron, zinc, and calcium. Honig Honey Honey is a sweet, amber-colored liquid that is produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. It is commonly used as a sweetener in food and beverages, and is also used in cooking and baking. Honey is rich in antioxidants and has a number of potential health benefits when consumed in moderation. Ahornsirup Maple Syrup Maple syrup is a sweet, amber-colored syrup that is made from the sap of maple trees. It is commonly used as a topping for pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast foods, and is also used as an ingredient in cooking and baking. Maple syrup is produced by boiling down the sap of maple trees until it reaches the desired consistency and sweetness. Agave Agave Agave is a sweetener that is derived from the agave plant, which is native to Mexico and Central and South America. It is a syrup that is similar in consistency to honey and has a mild, sweet taste. Agave is about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar, and it is often used as a sugar substitute in food and beverages. Page 1 of 1 Sugar Substitutes German English Explanation Equivalent American Brands Xylit Xylitol Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is often used as a sweetener in food and beverages. It is a white, crystalline substance that is about as sweet as sugar and has a cooling effect when tasted. Lite and Sweet Sucralose Sucralose Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that is commonly used as a sugar substitute in food and beverages. It is about 600 times sweeter than sugar, so only a small amount is needed to achieve the same level of sweetness. Splenda Stevia Stevia Stevia is a natural sweetener that is derived from the leaves of the stevia plant, which is native to South America. It is a white, crystalline substance that is about 200-300 times sweeter than sugar. Truvia (Stevia+Erythritol) Saccharin Saccharin Saccharin is an artificial sweetener that is commonly used as a sugar substitute in food and beverages. It is about 300-500 times sweeter than sugar, so only a small amount is needed to achieve the same level of sweetness. Sweet 'N Low, Sweet Twin, & Necta Sweet Page 1 of 2 Corn Syrup Substitutes Sugar beet syrup (Zuckerrübensirup) is a sweetener made from the juice of sugar beets, a type of root vegetable. It is similar in appearance and consistency to corn syrup and can be used as a substitute for corn syrup in many recipes. There are a few reasons why sugar beet syrup may be considered a good substitute for corn syrup. One reason is that it is a natural sweetener, whereas corn syrup is typically made from genetically modified corn and is often highly processed. Sugar beet syrup is made by boiling down the juice of sugar beets until it reaches the desired consistency and sweetness, and it is not heavily processed like corn syrup. Another reason why sugar beet syrup may be considered a good substitute for corn syrup is that it has a similar sweetness and consistency, making it easy to use in recipes that call for corn syrup. It also has a flavor similar to corn syrup, which can be desirable in certain recipes. Sugar Types Sugar Substitutes Natural Sweetners Corn Syrup Substitutes Cuts of Meat Regarding meat, Germany has a wide variety of cuts to choose from. So whether you're in the mood for a juicy steak or a hearty pork roast, you'll find plenty of options at the butcher shop or grocery store. Here are some of the most common cuts of meat you'll find in Germany: Rindfleisch: This refers to beef cuts, which can be cooked in various ways. Some popular cuts include Rump steak (rump steak), Hüftsteak (sirloin), and Entrecôte (rib eye). These cuts are well suited for grilling or frying and tend to be flavorful. Schweinefleisch: This refers to pork cuts, which are also prepared and cooked in various ways. Some popular cuts include Kassler (smoked pork loin), Schweinekotelett (pork chop), and Schweinshaxe (ham hock). Pork is a versatile meat that can be cooked in several different ways, from roasting to braising to grilling. Geflügelfleisch: This refers to poultry cuts, such as chicken and turkey. Typical cuts include Hähnchenbrust (chicken breast) and Putenbrust (turkey breast). Poultry is a leaner option than beef or pork, and it can be prepared in various ways, from roasting to grilling to frying. C hicken is sometimes referred to as Hähnchen and sometimes as Hühner. So, what's the difference? Hähnchen is the word for a young chicken or a small chicken. It is often referred to as chicken sold as whole birds or in parts such as breasts or legs. Hähnchen is also the word that is used when referring to chicken dishes at restaurants or in recipes. On the other hand, Hühner is the plural form of Hahn, which means "rooster" in German. It is used to refer to a group of chickens or the meat of a chicken in general. For example, you might see the word Hühnerbrust (chicken breast) on a menu or use Hühnerfleisch (chicken meat) in a recipe. So, to sum it up: Hähnchen refers to a specific type of chicken, while Hühner refers to chicken in general or a group of chickens. Regardless of the meat, ask your butcher for recommendations on how to prepare it. They'll be happy to share their expertise and help you select the perfect cut for your meal. Below you will find helpful English-to-German translation charts in the food translation book to navigate your way around all the different cuts of meat. Meat Food Translations Thank you for supporting Stuttgart FAQ. As a token of our appreciation, we'd like to give you your food translation guide. Simply download it to have it with you wherever you go. Print odd pages first, flip over, then print the even pages and fold. Food Translations
- Ending Your Contract | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Lease Cancellation Word Document Parking Cancellation Word Document Registered Mail Translations Ending Your Contract 1 Ending Your Contract 2 Ending Your Contract 3 Ending Your Contract 4 Ending Your Contract 5 Terminando tu Contrato de renta Ha llegado el momento de pasar al siguiente lugar y debe finalizar su contrato de alquiler. ¿Cómo avisa? Lease Cancellation Para finalizar su contrato de alquiler, deberá avisar con 90 días de anticipación antes de tener que desalojar la propiedad. Debe enviar la carta de cancelación a su arrendador por correo certificado (Einschreiben). Las instrucciones sobre cómo comprar este franqueo se describen a continuación. Además, pídale a su arrendador una inspección previa a la mudanza. Hacer una inspección preliminar le dará tiempo para reparar cualquier problema que encuentren, Ahorrándote tiempo y dinero. Los propietarios pueden retener una parte de su depósito para utilizarla en su Nebenkosten y por cualquier daño. Saber qué cosas espera el propietario que repare antes de entregar el apartamento le dará una buena idea de cuánto de su depósito puede solicitar que se le devuelva al mudarse. Ejemplo de carta de cancelación de arrendamiento English Translation Below Vorname Nachname Staße 123 70178, Stuttgart yourname@whatever.com 0711555555 Vermieter Vermieterin Straße 456 70178, Stuttgart Betreff: Kündigung des Mietvertrags Cambiar a su información La información de su arrendador Montag, den 1 de marzo de 2021 Cambiar la fecha, traducciones a continuación Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit kündigen wir den Mietvertrag für das Mietobjekt Straße123, 70178 Stuttgart unter Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Kündigungsfrist zum 31 de mayo de 2021 . Im Fall einer erteilten Einzugsermächtigung zum Einzug des Mietzinses wird diese ab Ende des Mietverhältnisses widerufen. Bitte bestätigen Sie mir den Eingang meiner Kündigung und das Ablaufdatum des Mietvertrages schriftlich. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Cambiar a su dirección y mudarse Cambie a su nombre y al de su cónyuge / compañero de habitación Vorname Nachname Ehepartner / Mitbewohner Traducción Nombre Apellido Calle 123 70178, Stuttgart yourname @ lo que sea. com 07115555 Arrendador Arrendador Calle 456 70178, Stuttgart Lunes 1 de marzo de 2021 Asunto: Terminación del contrato de alquiler Estimado señor o señora, Por la presente, rescindimos el contrato de alquiler de la propiedad de alquiler Street 123, 70178 Stuttgart de conformidad con el período de preaviso legal a partir del 31 de mayo de 2021. En el caso de una autorización de domiciliación bancaria otorgada para el cobro de la renta, esta será revocada a partir de la finalización del arrendamiento. Confirme la recepción de mi aviso y la fecha de vencimiento del contrato de arrendamiento por escrito. Tuyo sinceramente Nombre Apellido Cónyuge / conviviente Free download in Word format. Word Document Parking Cancellation Word Document Ejemplo de carta de cancelación de contrato de estacionamiento English Translation Below Vorname Nachname Staße 123 70178 Stuttgart yourname@whatever.com 0711555555 Kunden-Nr: 123456 Firma Namen Parkhaus GmbH & Co. KG Straße 123 70178 Stuttgart Montag, den 1 de marzo de 2021 Betreff: Kündigung meines Tiefgaragenplatzes mit der Vertragsnummer 123456 Sehr geehrter / Sehr geehrter Herr / Frau, hiermit kündige ich meinen oben angegebenen Vertrag unter Berücksichtigung der geltenden Kündigungsfrist zum 31. Mai. 2021 . Am Tag des Vertragsendes werde ich Ihnen die Garagenschlüssel persönlich aushändigen. Darüber hinaus erlischt automatisch auch die Ihnen erteilte Einzugsermächtigung zum Einzug der monatlichen Gebühren von meinem Konto. Bitte schicken Sie mir eine schriftliche Kündigungsbestätigung zu. Vielen Dank. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Vorname Nachname Ehepartner / Mitbewohner Traducción Nombre Apellido Calle 123 70178 Stuttgart yourname @ lo que sea. com 07115555 Ningún cliente. : 123456 Nombre de la empresa Parkhaus GmbH & Co. KG Straße 123 70178 Stuttgart Lunes 1 de marzo de 2021 Asunto: Cancelación de mi plaza de aparcamiento subterráneo con número de contrato 123456 Querido señor, señora, Por la presente notifico la rescisión de mi contrato mencionado anteriormente, teniendo en cuenta el período de notificación aplicable, a partir del 31 de mayo de 2021. El día que finalice el contrato, personalmente le entregaré las llaves del garaje. Además, la autorización de domiciliación bancaria que se le otorgó para el cobro de las cuotas mensuales de mi cuenta también caducará automáticamente. Envíeme una confirmación por escrito de la cancelación. Muchas gracias. Tuyo sinceramente, Nombre Apellido Cónyuge / conviviente Free download in Word format. How to Send a Registered Letter via Deutsche Post Todas las cartas de cancelación deben enviarse por correo certificado . To send a letter or package using registered mail through Deutsche Post, you can visit a post office and request the service or arrange for registered mail delivery online. Once your mail item has been processed and sent, you can track its progress through the Deutsche Post tracking system. Registered Mail Translations Alemán * Tag der Woche Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag Monate Enero Februar März abril Mai Juni Juli agosto septiembre Oktober noviembre Diciembre inglés Días de la semana lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado domingo Meses enero febrero marcha abril Mayo junio mes de julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre El color del texto indica el género del artículo der die das die Translations
- Airports | Stuttgart FAQ
Tiendas de ropa y más Need to get away? The Stuttgart airport is just a short S-Bahn ride. If the Stuttgart airport doesn't have flight where you want to go, well, there are three more international and a few smaller airports nearby, making it easy to explore Europe and beyond. Stuttgart Airport Airport Code: STR View More Frankfurt Airport Airport Code: FRA View More Zurich Airport Airport Code: ZRH View More Karlsruhe-Baden-Baden Airport Airport Code: FKG View More Munich Airport Airport Code: MUC View More Memmingen Airport Airport Code: FMM View More
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Ayudándote a vivir en Stuttgart Housing Are you an ex-pat or a military member looking to find a home in Stuttgart? We've got all the information you need to make your home search easy. We have you covered, from detailed knowledge of where to look and neighborhood information to preformatted letters for canceling your lease. Check out our blog to find out more about finding the perfect home in Stuttgart. Go to Housing Shopping Not sure where to shop in Stuttgart? We have a comprehensive list of stores for all your needs, helpful tips for grocery shopping, customer reward cards, the most comprehensive food translation guide from German to English, size conversions for clothing and shoes, and a gift finder guide. Check out our shopping page for all the help you need to make your shopping experience in Stuttgart enjoyable. Go to Shopping Travel Are you looking to travel from Stuttgart and surrounding airports? We've got you covered! Stuttgart FAQ has compiled all the information you need for an easy and stress-free journey. From airport amenities to hotels, we've got it all. Check out our travel page for detailed information on travel from Stuttgart, so you can make the most of your trip. Go to Travel In the Home Are you moving to Europe and need help navigating everything in your home? We've got you covered. Our blog has all the information you need to ensure your gaming system works, decode the symbols on your washer, dryer, and oven, understand the German mail system, and learn about hard water cleaning and care. Get all the answers you need with our ultimate guide to navigating your home. In the Home Public Transportation Need to get around Stuttgart without a car? Stuttgart FAQ has all the answers you need, from buying a ticket to what stops are close to the USA bases, how to set up the app, regional trains, taking your bike, and so much more. We'll even help you navigate the public transportation system with ease. Check out our public transportation page for all the information you need to get around Stuttgart confidently. Go to Public Transportation Stuttgart Expats Are you an expat looking to make new friends and experience all Stuttgart offers? Look no further than Stuttgart Expats! This is the perfect way to connect with others who share your interests and experiences. And if there is something you need help navigating and Stuttgart FAQ doesn't have the answers, Stuttgart Expats will have the solution. Check out our Stuttgart Expats page for more information on how you can join this fantastic community. Go to Stuttgart Expats Stay informed and up-to-date with our blog! Whether you're a local or just visiting, our blog is your go-to source for off-beat information about Stuttgart. From food and drink to arts and culture, to local news and more, our blog has something for everyone. Be sure to check it out and stay in the know with the best of Stuttgart. Go to Blog
- Find a New Home | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Listing Sites Registering for a User Account Stuttgart Neighborhoods Listing Descriptions & More Rental Costs Listing Descriptions Translations Unexpected Norms Viewing Rental Properties Scheduling a Showing Helpful Tips Find a New Home 1 Find a New Home 2 Find a New Home 3 Find a New Home 4 Find a New Home 5 Find a New Home 6 Find a New Home 7 Find a New Home 8 Find a New Home 9 Búsqueda de nueva casa Antes de comenzar, descargue Chrome. ¡Utilice GOOGLE CHROME! No puedo enfatizar esto lo suficiente. Chrome traducirá automáticamente las páginas web, lo que le permitirá ahorrar tiempo y reducirá la frustración. Descarga Chrome Rental Listing Sites There are many rental listing sites available, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and location. The most popular rental listing sites are listed below. Read More Listing Translations Here you will find Common terms and phrases that you may come across in German rental listings, along with translations and explanations. Read More Register for an Account You will only receive a response on properties if you register for a free account. Please read more about how to register for an account and what information you should and shouldn't include based on your circumstances. Read More Scheduling a Showing Setting up an appointment to view a property can be a daunting and frustrating task, but it is possible. Read more for tips and tricks on scheduling a home showing. Read More Areas of Stuttgart Stuttgart is known for its cultural attractions, parks, and natural beauty. It is home to a number of distinct neighborhoods, each with its own character and amenities. Read More Ending Your Contract Time to move again. Here you will find what is needed to cancel your rental contract in Germany. Understanding your rights and obligations under the terms of the agreement is essential. Read More Sitios de alquiler de bienes raíces Large inventory of properties. Search ImmoScout24 Large inventory of properties. Search Immobilo Large inventory of properties. Search Immowelt An English language site comparable to Craigslist or Offerup. Limited inventory is available. Search Bookoo Large inventory of properties. Search Immonet Local eBay ads, similar to Craigslist. You can find good deals here. Search ebay Listing Sites Sitios de alquiler de bienes raíces Registrarse para obtener una cuenta en ImmoScout24 / Immowelt / etc…. le ayudará a obtener respuestas. No se registre simplemente para obtener un nombre de usuario y contraseña, no recibirá ninguna respuesta de los administradores de propiedades a menos que complete todos los información excepto el SCHUFA si tiene el estado SOFA. Si tiene el estado SOFA , NO solicite un Verificación de crédito de SCHUFA en cualquier lugar, haciendo esto usted se ha obligado a pagar impuestos alemanes. Si no tiene el estado SOFA, muchos otros blogs Explique el proceso de registro como residente. Las descripciones de los listados de apartamentos / casas en Alemania están redactadas de manera un poco diferente a lo que puede estar acostumbrado a ver. A continuación encontrará traducciones, explicaciones y otros consejos útiles. Registering for a User Account Sitios de alquiler de bienes raíces Stuttgart is the capital city of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and is known for its cultural attractions, parks, and natural beauty. In addition, it is home to several distinct neighborhoods, each with its character and amenities. There are no "bad" areas in or around Stuttgart. Get out and explore; something fun is always happening in and around Stuttgart. Germany is a highly safe country with a low crime rate. Stuttgart ranks in the top 50 safest cities in the world. Stuttgart also ranks #1 as the least stressful city in the world. The five major neighborhoods within the city of Stuttgart are: Mitte (Middle/Center) Stuttgart-Mitte: This is the central neighborhood of Stuttgart, and it is home to many of the city's cultural and historical landmarks, such as the Old Castle and the New Palace. It is also a significant commercial and business district with various shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. West (West) Stuttgart-West: This neighborhood is located to the west of the city center and is known for its trendy residential areas, green spaces, and cultural attractions, such as Feuersee, Schloss Solitude, and Schwarzwild Park. Ost (East) Stuttgart-Ost: This neighborhood is located to the east of the city center and is home to a mix of residential and commercial areas, as well as cultural attractions, such as the Mercedes-Benz Museum. Nord (North) Stuttgart-Nord: This neighborhood is located to the north of the city center and is home to a number of residential areas, parks, and recreational facilities, such as the Killesbergpark and Höhenfreibad. Süd (South) Stuttgart-Süd: This neighborhood is located to the south of the city center and is known for its residential areas, cultural attractions, and natural beauty. Popular Adjacent Cities and other Neighborhoods of Stuttgart Bad Cannstaat Böblingen Degerloch Esslingen Ludwigsburg Ostheim Vaihingen Zuffenhausen More Information About Stuttgart's 23 Districts Things to consider before choosing the area of Stuttgart you want to live in. Consider your location carefully regarding your mode of transportation to and from work and if you will be driving or taking public transportation. You will find heavy traffic congestion out of the villages in the morning and into the villages in the evening compared to the city. THERE IS ALWAYS HEAVY TRAFFIC AROUND STUTTGART. Rent a car and drive the route to and from the area you are considering at the time of day you would be commuting. Do this a few times on different days. Do not just rely on the GPS estimated time because rarely is this completely accurate. Gasoline prices are high even for those with access to the tax free fuel card. Remember spending time with your family is much more precious than a large house and things. Listing Descriptions & More Rental Costs Rental costs in Germany can vary depending on several factors, such as the location, size, and condition of the rental property, the length of the lease, and any additional fees or charges. Read More Listing Descriptions Here you will find some standard terms and phrases that you may come across in German rental listings, along with translations and explanations. Read More Unexpected Norms It is not uncommon for rental properties in Germany to exclude everyday items you usually find in an apartment. Read More Stuttgart Neighborhoods Listing Descriptions & More Rental Costs In Germany, "cold rent" refers to the base rent for a rental property, which does not include any additional expenses or fees. The "cold rent" is typically the amount listed in rental advertisements and is used to calculate the base monthly rent price. To calculate the total monthly rent, you will need to add any additional expenses or fees to the cold rent. These may include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as any other fees or charges specified in the rental contract, such as a broker's fee or cleaning charges. It is essential to carefully review the terms of the rental contract and budget for all applicable expenses when renting a property in Germany. This can help ensure that you clearly understand the total monthly rent and can make an informed decision about whether the rental is affordable for you. Alquiler en frío (Kaltmiete) + Alquiler cálido (Warmmiete / zzgl.) = Renta Mensual Total (Miete) Cold Rent ( Kaltmiete ) The base price of the apartment/house and nothing else. Warm Rent ( Warmmiete ) Warm rent may also be listed as zuzüglich abbreviated as zzgl: meaning plus something. In Germany, the term "warm rent" (Warmmiete) refers to the total monthly rent for a rental property, including the base rent (cold rent) and any additional expenses or fees. The warm rent estimates the total property cost, including operating expenses such as insurance, taxes, and utilities. Operating expenses may include insurance, taxes, lights in hallways, elevator maintenance, cleaning common areas (Hausmeister), landscaping, etc. Heat may or may not be included in the warm rent, depending on the terms of the rental contract and the property's specific features. If heat is not included in the warm rent, it may be an additional cost that the tenant is responsible for paying separately. Warm rent does not typically include electricity, cable, internet, or phone. End-of-the-Year Costs ( Nebenkosten ) In Germany, it is common for tenants to pay for operating expenses, such as utilities and maintenance, every month as part of the warm rent. At the end of the year, the landlord or property management company may provide the tenant with an accounting statement reconciling the actual costs incurred over the year with the estimated expenses prepaid as part of the warm rent. If the actual costs were higher than the estimated costs, the tenant might be required to pay the additional funds at that time. On the other hand, if the tenant prepaid more than the actual costs, they may be entitled to a refund of the difference. It is essential to review the accounting statement and any other documentation provided by the landlord or property management company to ensure that the charges are accurate and fair. If you have any questions or concerns, it is a good idea to raise them with the landlord or property management company before paying any additional funds or requesting a refund. The tenant has the right to review the statement and raise objections within 12 months. Security Deposit ( Kaution ) Kaution means "deposit," which refers to the amount the tenant must pay in advance as a security deposit. The security deposit cannot exceed three months of cold rent by law. The funds are held in a separate interest-bearing account. Rent Index ( Mietspiegel ) Rental prices are based on the government's overview of local comparative rents. Stuttgart releases a qualified index every two years. Landlords cannot charge more than 10% above the current market rent. A lease can include raising the rent yearly based on the index but cannot exceed 15% in three years. Official German Rental Laws Rental Costs Listing Descriptions In Germany, the term "Zimmer" (room) describes the number of rooms in a rental property, including all rooms, not just bedrooms. Therefore, it is essential to carefully review the floor plan or other details provided in the rental listing to determine the number of bedrooms in the property. For example, a 4-Zimmer Wohnung (4-room apartment) may have three bedrooms, one living room, or a different configuration of rooms. Many listings will include a floor plan or other details to help you understand the layout of the property and the number of bedrooms it has. If you are unsure how many bedrooms a rental property has, you can try contacting the landlord or property management company for clarification or asking for a virtual tour or in-person viewing of the property. This can help you better understand the property's layout and features and determine whether it meets your needs and preferences. Translations inglés Ático Balcón Sótano Baño Tina de baño Cuarto Por acuerdo Cava Calefacción central Dormitorio del niño Casa para una sola familia Comedor Ascensor Casa de Campo Cocina equipada Suelo Calefacción por suelo Plano de planta / diseño Amueblado Jardín Planta baja Aseo de invitados sala Calefacción casa Cocina Área de césped Sala de estar Espacio vital Casita Lugar de estacionamiento Mascota Mascota (no) permitida Planta baja elevada (no al nivel de la calle) Apartamento de alquiler Habitación Pareado / Dúplex Ducha Estudio Terraza Casa adosada / Casa adosada Tipo Estacionamiento subterraneo Sin amueblar pared Inodoro WC (inodoro ) Ventana Alemán* Dachboden Balkon Subterráneo Badezimmer Wanne Schlafzimmer nach Vereinbarung Keller Zentralheizung Kinderzimmer Einfamilienhaus Esszimmer Personenaufzug / Aufzug Bauernhaus Einbauküche Boden / Fußboden Fußbodenheizung Grundriss möbliert Garten Erdgeschoss Gästetoilette / Gäste-WC Flur Heizung Haus Küche Rasenflache Wohnzimmer Wohnfläche Casita Stellplatz Haustier (nicht) erlaubt Hochparterre Mietwohnung Zimmer Doppelhaushälfte Dusche Arbeitszimmer Terrasse Reihenhaus Typ Tiefgarage unmöbliert Varita mágica Baño WC / Wasser-Klosett / Klo Fenster * El color del texto indica el género del artículo der die das die Listing Descriptions Translations Unexpected Norms Kitchen cabinets and appliances are not always included. It is not uncommon for rental properties in Germany to exclude certain items or features from the rental agreement. For example, some rental properties may not have a fitted kitchen, meaning that the tenant may be required to provide their own appliances and fixtures or rent them from a separate provider. A fitted kitchen is equipped with cabinets, countertops, and appliances. Always clarify if a kitchen pictured in the listing is included in the rental agreement. It is not unusual to take your kitchen when you move or rent it to the next tenant for a monthly fee. If you are active-duty or a GS employee, the base can provide you with appliances if needed but not the cabinets or countertops. Often kitchens can be found for free or very low cost on eBay Kleinanzeigen or Facebook Marketplace . Many real estate finder sites have "fitted kitchen" (Einbauküche) as a search filter. Light fixtures are not always permanent fixtures included. Most rental properties will not include light fixtures or other finishes, such as curtains or blinds. In these cases, the tenant may be responsible for purchasing and installing these items themselves or negotiating with the landlord to have them included or installed in the rental agreement. Light fixtures can be bought relatively inexpensively if you are not too picky about the style. Clarify with the realtor if the fixtures are included. If they are omitted, you may be able to purchase existing fixtures from the current tenant Dedicated parking is not always a standard option. Parking may also be an issue to consider when renting a property in Germany. Some properties may have parking spaces or garages, while others may not. If parking is not included with the rental property, the tenant may need to find and pay for parking elsewhere. Within the city of Stuttgart, street parking may be zoned as resident-only parking on street. Your realtor or the landlord will know if the area is a parking zone, or you can search the areas on the Stuttgart City site . A resident's parking pass is obtained through the Bürgerbüro office or online . As of 2022, the cost is 400€ per year. The fee has remained the same since the inception of the zoned areas in 2015. Underground garages and other parking spaces are readily available for lease. You can search for open parking spaces for lease on ImmoblienScout24. On the home page's right side, change the search from Wohnung (rent) to Garagen/StellPlätz (Garages/Parking Spaces). Apartments with multiple bathrooms are not the norm. A place with more than one bathroom is not common in Stuttgart. Most real estate sites do not have a filter for bathrooms. An extremely common feature of German bathrooms is a towel warmer. A rental listing with two bathrooms (Badzimmer) does not always mean two full baths. Two bathrooms often denote one full bath and one toilet (guest toilet), although this is not a hard-fast rule because sometimes it is two full baths. Scheduling a Showing Unexpected Norms Viewing Rental Properties Viewing rental properties in Germany can be similar to home buying in the United States in that it may involve working with a real estate agent and scheduling appointments to view properties. However, it is essential to remember that renting a property in Germany may differ in some ways from buying a home in the United States. One of the main differences is that individuals, rather than large corporations, own most properties in Germany. Therefore, you may need to work with a real estate agent or directly with the landlord or property owner to arrange viewings and apply for the rental. Viewing multiple properties daily without a car is possible, especially if you are looking within the city and using public transportation. However, allowing enough time between appointments to travel to each property and view it correctly is vital. Viewing rental properties in Germany can be challenging, but with proper planning and organization, finding a rental that meets your needs and preferences is possible. Scheduling a Showing Request a showing by first emailing the listing agent using the email address listed on the site. Ejemplo En Immo Scout 24, esto se encuentra en el lado derecho de la página en el anuncio. Original Translated After 2-3 business days, call the agent if you have not received a response. We received almost no responses, but do not skip this 1st step because the agent's office will ask if you tried contacting them through the rental search site, and if you have not done this, they will request you send an email first. If you are not fluent in German, an important phrase to know is: ,,Sprechen Sie Englisch?” ("Do you speak English?") Day of the Showing Helpful Tips ¡¡Llegar a tiempo!! La puntualidad es muy importante en la cultura alemana. Es mejor llegar 15 minutos antes de la hora programada. Aprovecha el tiempo extra para mirar por fuera del lugar y familiarizarte con el área. Diríjase al agente formalmente, Herr (Sr.) / Frau (Sra.) Haz muchas preguntas. En cada lugar que vimos, los agentes fueron extremadamente amables y serviciales. No tema preguntar qué estaría dispuesto a negociar el propietario. Por ejemplo, recorrimos un apartamento de nueva construcción. No tenía artefactos de iluminación ni cocina amueblada. Inicialmente, el arrendador no iba a encajar en la cocina, pero unos días después, el agente se puso en contacto con nosotros y nos informó que el arrendador realmente nos quería como inquilinos. Si una cocina equipada es lo que nos haría falta para alquilar el apartamento, ella estaba dispuesta a instalar una cocina a sus expensas. For example, we toured a newly built apartment. It did not have light fixtures or a fitted kitchen. Initially, the landlord would not fit the kitchen, but a few days later, the agent contacted us, informing us that the landlord wanted us as tenants. If a fitted kitchen is what it would take for us to rent the apartment, she was willing to install a kitchen at her expense. NO diga de ninguna forma que quiere el lugar, incluso si lo desea. Los contratos verbales son vinculantes en Alemania. Está bien tomar la solicitud y decir que lo pensará, pero dígale al agente un día exacto en el que hará un seguimiento con un no o con su solicitud completa. S i usted sabe con certeza en ese momento el lugar no es para ti, digo el agente y darles las gracias por su tiempo. Mantenga una lista de los lugares que ha visitado y visitado. Si está interesado en numerosos lugares, una lista lo ayudará a realizar un seguimiento de con quién ha contactado y lo ayudará a recordar lo que le gustó o no le gustó de un lugar. Lista preformateada para ayudarlo a realizar un seguimiento de las propiedades Configurar proyecciones es un proceso, pero también superarás este obstáculo. Va a ser frustrante, pero valdrá la pena cuando encuentre su lugar y finalmente se instale. Viewing Rental Properties Helpful Tips
- Kitchen | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Ovens Dishwashers Kitchen Conversions Translations Kitchen 1 Kitchen 2 Kitchen 3 Kitchen 4 Kitchen 5 Kitchen 6 Kitchen 7 Kitchen 8 Kitchen 9 Kitchen 10 Kitchen 11 Kitchen 12 Kitchen 13 Kitchen 14 In the Kitchen If you're new to Germany, one thing you might find a bit overwhelming is navigating your way around the kitchen. With all the different symbols and controls, it can be tough to know where to start. That's where Stuttgart FAQ comes in! At Stuttgart FAQ, we know that moving to a new country can be a bit daunting, especially regarding setting up your kitchen. That's why we've put together a list of common questions and answers to help you get up and running in your German kitchen. Navigate to Ovens Master your German oven with our comprehensive symbols, temperatures, and sizes guide. Read More Dishwasher Dishwasher knowledge at your fingertips: translations, cleaning, and everything else you need to know. Read More Conversions Discover useful kitchen conversion and equivalent charts right here. Read More Translations Master your German common kitchen words with our helpful translation guide. Read More Ovens Ovens If you're used to cooking with American-style ovens, the first thing you might notice when you move to Germany is that your oven is much smaller. This can be a bit of a shock, especially if you're used to having much space to work with when you're baking or roasting. However, it's important to remember that smaller ovens are pretty standard in Europe, and there are some good reasons for this. One reason German ovens are smaller is that space is often at a premium in European homes. With smaller kitchens and less square footage, it isn't practical to have a large oven taking up valuable real estate. Additionally, smaller ovens are more energy-efficient, which can be a significant advantage for people living in apartments or houses with smaller heating and hot water systems. If you're used to cooking with an American-style oven, you might find the symbols and controls on your new German oven confusing. Below you will find explanations for oven symbols, translations, and more. Navigate to German Oven Sizes View More Oven Symbols View More Temperature Conversion View More Helpful Oven Products View More Oven Sizes German Oven Sizes Los hornos europeos en comparación con los hornos estadounidenses son mucho más pequeños. El tamaño medio del horno es: 560 mm x 580 mm x 550 mm (22 "x 22" x 22 ") Bandeja de ½ hoja (18 pulgadas por 13 pulgadas / 46 cm x 33 cm) La sartén más larga y ancha que normalmente cabe. La capacidad de altura no supera los 25 cm (9,5 pulgadas). Los hornos de convección son bastante populares en Alemania. Un horno de convección (también conocido como horno asistido por ventilador o simplemente horno con ventilador) es un horno que tiene ventiladores para hacer circular el aire alrededor de los alimentos. Utiliza el mecanismo de convección para cocinar los alimentos más rápido que un horno convencional y ahorra energía. Haga clic aquí para obtener información más detallada sobre los hornos de convección Oven Symbols Common Oven Symbols Convection (Heißluft) Use this setting for roasting, braising, dehydrating, and baking pies, pastries, cookies, bread, casseroles. Reduce the temperature by 25°F/15°C Reduce the cooking time by 25% Conventional (Ober-Unterhitze) Conventional oven setting Fan with Lower Heat/Pizza (Pizzastufe) Use for keeping dishes moist on the top while the bottom gets nicely cooked. Perfect for pizzas. Lower Heating Element (Unterhitze) Use for cooking stews and casseroles. It's also a good option for crisping up a pizza or pastry shell base. Grill with Fan (Thermogrillen) Use for thick cuts of meat/fish. Cook food thoroughly while browning the surface. Full Grill/High Broil (Großflächengrill) Use when cooking a large amount of food at high heat. Keep the door ajar. i.e., Toasting bread, browning meats, finish cooking a lasagna. Part Grill/Low Broil (Kleinflächengrill) Only half of the grill elements become hot. Keep the door ajar. For small cuts of meat or fish, bacon, to toast bread Part Grill/Low Broil with Lower heat Use for food that needs a crispy base. Good for pizza. Warming Oven (Warm Halten) Keep cooked food warm. Temperature setting: 60°C-100°C Plate Warmer (Geschirr vorwärmen) Warm plates before serving. Temperature setting: 30°C-70°C Pyrolytic Cleaning (Pyrolyse) High heat self-cleaning function, no detergent or cleaning agent needed. Temperature setting: 500°C Defrost (Auftauen) Use to defrost food, no heat only air is circulated. Thaws food approximately 1kg per hour. Temperature setting: 40° Alarm An alarm sounds when the timer is complete. Child Lock (Kindersicherung)k Locks out the controls Oven Light Turns on the light in the oven. Timer Temperature Conversion Fahrenheit a Celsius La fórmula de conversión C = (F-32) 5/9 o C = (F-32) 0.5556 Fórmula de estimación rápida C = F-30/2 Oven Temperature Conversions Celsius 52° 66° 79° 93° 107° 121° 135° 149° 163° 177° 190° 204° 218° 232° 246° 260° Fahrenheit 125° 150° 175° 200° 225° 250° 275° 300° 325° 350° 375° 400° 425° 450° 475° 500° Printer Friendly Version Tape it to the inside of your cabinet for quick reference. Helpful Oven Products Our website is supported by our users. This site contains links to an affiliate website. We receive a small affiliate commission for any purchases you make on the affiliate website using such links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Helpful Oven Products Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Dishwashers German dishwashers are known for their high performance and efficiency. Many models have multiple wash cycles, adjustable racks, and powerful spray arms that can handle even the dirtiest dishes. However, all of these features can be overwhelming if you're unfamiliar with them. It also is essential to know how to properly care for and clean your appliance to keep it running smoothly. Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals, is standard in many parts of Germany and can cause dishwasher issues. Below you will find the meaning behind the symbols on your dishwasher and some tips for caring for and cleaning your dishwasher in Germany. Dishwashers Navigate to Dishwasher Symbols View More Care & Cleaning View More Helpful Products View More Dishwasher Symbols Dishwasher Symbols Dishwasher Safe Dishwasher Safe Dishwasher Safe Dishwasher Safe Dishwasher Safe Dishwasher Safe Rinse Add Rinse Aid Dishwasher Salt Add Salt Water Tap Dishwasher not receiving sufficient water. Check hose and water connection. Brush Wash Cycle in Progress Pre-Rinse Pre-rinses dishes before wash cycle begins Drying Drying Cycle in Progress Child Lock Child Lock Eco 50º Energy saving cycle Auto Everyday dishwashing 1 hour Wash and Dries in 1 hour Quick Program 45º-Quick cycle to rinse and dry cups and glasses Quick Program 1.5 hours 60º/1.5 hours-Quick wash cycle Glass 40º Adjusts dry program for delicate glasses or crystal Intensive 70º High temperature with higher spray oressure Machine Care Clean Dishwasher Speed Perfect Combine with any program to reduce run time by 66%. Speed Perfect+ Combine with any program to reduce run time by 75%. Hygiene Rinse cycle at higher temperature Hygiene+ Extremely hot final rinse for a superb antibacterial effect. Suitable for cleaning cutting boards or baby bottles. Intensive Zone Increases spray pressure and a higher temperature in the lower basket Shine Dry Adds more water to the rinse cycle and lengthens dry cycle. Extra Dry Dries dishes completely Half Load Wash half a load of dishes Timer Timer to chose when the cycle ends Dishwasher Care & Cleaning Adding Salt & Rinse Agent to the Dishwasher Para ayudar a combatir las manchas en sus vasos y cubiertos, debe agregar sal a su lavavajillas. Su lavavajillas tendrá una unidad de ablandamiento en la parte inferior para llenar con sal específicamente para el lavavajillas. Cleaning the Filter Para ayudar a combatir las manchas en sus vasos y cubiertos, debe agregar sal a su lavavajillas. Su lavavajillas tendrá una unidad de ablandamiento en la parte inferior para llenar con sal específicamente para el lavavajillas. Dishwasher Care & Cleaning Helpful Dishwasher Products Este sitio contiene enlaces a sitios web afiliados, y recibimos una comisión de afiliado por cualquier compra realizada por usted en el sitio web afiliado utilizando dichos enlaces. Helpful Dishwasher Products Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Kitchen Conversions Helpful Kitchen Conversions & Equivalents Using the metric system in the kitchen can take some getting used to, especially if you're used to using the imperial system. However, once you get the hang of it, it can be a convenient and easy way to measure ingredients. Below you will find some helpful charts for using the metric system in the kitchen while living in Germany. Navigate to Volume Equivalents View More Liquid Ingredients View More Weight Equivalents View More T emperature Conversions View More Dry Ingredients View More Printable Chart View More Volume Equivalents Volume US Customary Equivalent Equivalent Metric 1/8 teaspoon - - 0.6 milliliters 1/4 teaspoon - - 1.2 milliliters 1/2 teaspoon - - 2.5 milliliters 3/4 teaspoon - - 3.7 milliliters 1 teaspoon - - 5 milliliters 1 Tablespoon 3 teaspoons 0.5 fluid ounces 15 milliliters 2 Tablespoons 1/8 cup 1 fluid ounces 30 milliliters 1/4 cup 4 Tablespoons 2 fluid ounces 59 milliliters 1/3 cup 5 -1/3 Tablespoons 2.7 fluid ounces 79 milliliters 1/2 cup 8 Tablespoons 4 fluid ounces 118 milliliters 2/3 cup 10-2/3 Tablespoons 5.3 fluid ounces 158 milliliters 3/4 cup 12 Tablespoons 6 fluid ounces 177 milliliters 1 cup 1/2 pint 8 fluid ounces 237 milliliters 2 cups 1 pint 16 fluid ounces 473 milliliters 4 cups 1 quart 32 fluid ounces 946 milliliters 8 cups 2 quarts 1/2 gallon 1.9 liters 16 cups 4 quarts 1 gallon 3.8 liters Weight Equivalents Weights (Mass) US Customary Grams 1/2 Ounce 14 1 Ounce 28 3 Ounces 85 3.53 Ounces 100 4 Ounces 113 8 Ounces or 1/2 Pound 227 12 Ounces 340 16 Ounces or 1 Pound 454 2.2 Pounds 1000= 1 Kilogram Dry Ingredients Dry Ingredients 1 Tablespoon (3 teaspoons) Grams Baking Powder 14 Baking Soda 14 Cocoa Powder 7 Cornstarch 8 Cream of Tartar 10 Gelatin (Powdered) 9 Ground Coffee 5 Salt 17 Yeast 9 1 Cup Sugar Grams Brown 200 Fine or Superfine 225 Granulated white 200 Powdered (Icing) Un-sifted 125 Raw 250 1 Cup Flour Un-Sifted Grams Sifted Grams All-Purpose (550) 140 115 Almond 96 - Bread (812) 160 130 Cake 120 - Coconut 112 - Pastry (405) 130 - Whole-Wheat (1600) 150 130 Liquid Ingredients Meat Temperatures Liquid Ingredients Butter Tablespoon Cup Ounce Stick Grams 1 - .5 - 14 2 1/8 1 - 28 4 1/4 2 1/2 56 ≈5 1/3 2.7 - 75 6 3/8 3 - 85 8 1/2 4 1 113 10 5/8 5 - 142 11 2/3 5.3 - 151 12 3/4 6 - 170 14 7/8 7 - 198 16 1 8 2 227 Eggs 1 Large Egg Grams In Shell 57 No Shell 50 White 30 Yolk 18 Liquids 1 Cup Grams Butter Milk 240 Corn Syrup 335 Cream Cheese 226 Evaporated Milk 227 Heavy Cream 235 Honey 340 Lard 180 Maple Syrup 317 Milk 227 Molasses 310 Oils (Vegetable, Olive, Coconut, etc.) 226 Shortening 192 Sour Cream 240 Sweetened Condensed Milk 312 Water 240 Temperatures Meats Meat Fahrenheit Celsius Chicken 165º 74º Duck 135º 57º Turkey 165º 74º Ham 140º 60º Pork-Medium-Rare 145º 63º Pork-Medium 150º 66º Pork-Medium-Well 155º 68º Pork-Well/Ground 160º 71º Beef/Lamb-Rare 125º 52º Beef/Lamb-Medium-Rare 135º 57º Beef/Lamb-Medium 145º 63º Beef/Lamb-Medium-Well 150º 66º Beef/Lamb-Well/Ground 160º 71º Oven Fahrenheit Celsius 125º 52º 150º 66º 175º 79º 200º 93º 225º 107º 250º 121º 275º 135º 300º 149º 325º 163º 350º 177º 375º 191º 400º 202º 425º 218º 450º 246º 500º 260º Download a kitchen conversion chart from Stuttgart FAQ to use in your own kitchen. Templates PDF.pdf Printable Conversion Chart Translations Traducciones inglés Secador de condensador Tendedero Secadora Hoja secadora Hierro Tabla de planchar alemán Kondenstrockner Trockenständer Wäschetrockner Trocknertuch Bügeleisen Bügelbrett * El color del texto indica el género del artículo der / die / das / die
- Electricity | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Appliance Voltages Dual Voltage Find the Voltage Plug Adapters Helpful Products Transformers Types of Transformers Transformer Size Needed Cost Considerations Electricity Cost Calculator Other Considerations Transformer Helpful Products Gaming Systems Nintendo PlayStation XBOX Translations Electricity 1 Electricity 2 Electricity 3 Electricity 4 Electricity 5 Electricity 6 Electricity 7 Electricity 8 Electricity 9 Electricity 10 Electricity 11 Electricity 12 Electricity 13 Electricity 14 Electricity and Your Devices Electricity voltage differences between the United States and other countries using 110-120 volts and Germany can confuse some. However, understanding these differences is essential to ensure that your electronic devices and appliances will work properly and avoid any potential issues with incompatible voltage. Choosing the correct converter or transformer rated for your device's wattage is essential, as using an undersized converter can damage your device and potentially cause a fire. Stuttgart FAQ will help you navigate through all of your electricity-related questions below. Navigate to Voltage Learn about the voltage differences in Germany, how to find your device's voltage, and more. Read More Transformers Voltage transformer knowledge at your fingertips: explanation, types, calculate the size you need, costs, and more. Read More Video Games Using your gaming system in Germany, you must understand the steps you need to take to ensure that your system is functioning. Read More Translations Practice your German skills with our hand English to German translation guide with common words related to electricity. Read More Appliance Voltages In the United States, the standard electricity voltage is 120 volts (V) at 60 hertz (Hz). This means that electrical outlets in the US provide power at a voltage of 120V and a frequency of 60Hz. In contrast, the standard electricity voltage in Germany is 230V at a frequency of 50Hz. This means that electrical outlets in Germany provide power at a voltage of 230V and a frequency of 50Hz. It's important to note that these voltage differences can cause issues when moving between the two countries. For example, if you bring an appliance or device designed for 120V operation to Germany, it may not work correctly because it is receiving a higher voltage than intended. Similarly, getting a device designed for 230V operation to the US may not work correctly because it is receiving a lower voltage than intended. Most appliances purchased in the USA operate on 110 volts. European appliances and devices work on 220 volts. Many modern electronics are dual voltage, meaning the item can run on a 110 or 220 voltage. Appliance Voltages Cómo encontrar el voltaje de un dispositivo EE. UU. 100-120 V Europa 220-240 A dual-voltage device is a device that is designed to operate at two different voltage levels. This is typically done to allow the device to be used in other regions where the electrical systems may have different voltage levels. A dual-voltage device can be used in a region using 120 or 230 volts by selecting the appropriate voltage setting and using a plug adapter. This is often done using a switch or a selector on the device itself, or it may be done automatically by the device. There are several benefits to using dual-voltage devices. First, they allow you to use the same device in multiple regions without worrying about voltage compatibility. This can be especially useful for travelers, who can bring a single device with them and use it in various countries. Additionally, dual-voltage devices can often be more efficient and cost-effective than using a voltage converter, which can be bulky and expensive. Dual Voltage Navigate to Dual Voltage View More Find the Voltage View More Plug Adapters View More Helpful Products View More Cómo encontrar el voltaje de un dispositivo EE. UU. 100-120 V Europa 220-240 USA 100V-120V Europe 220V-240V En la etiqueta del dispositivo, busque un rango de números seguidos de una "V". Si la etiqueta del dispositivo lee 100 / 120V, este dispositivo es de un solo voltaje y necesita un transformador. Si la etiqueta lee 110-240 V, el dispositivo es de doble voltaje, solo se necesita un adaptador de enchufe. Algunos secadores y otros productos tienen un tornillo para cambiar el voltaje. A menudo, los televisores más nuevos pueden indicar en la etiqueta externa que el artículo es de un solo voltaje, pero en realidad, puede tener una clasificación de entrada más alta. Para encontrar la clasificación de entrada de un dispositivo, debe acceder a la placa de la fuente de alimentación. Find the Voltage Adaptadores de enchufe Y Transformadores A plug adapter, also known as a travel adapter or electrical adapter, is a device that allows you to connect your electronic devices to outlets in different countries. It does this by physically adapting the shape of the plug on your device to fit into outlets that may have a different configuration. Plug adapters do not change the voltage or frequency of the electrical outlet. Instead, they provide a physical connection between the device and the outlet, allowing you to charge or use it while traveling abroad. Dual-voltage devices such as cell phones, laptops, and tablets typically only require a grounded plug adapter to charge in Europe. However, it is generally safer to use a power cord instead of a plug adapter whenever possible. This is because, over time or with heavy use, the insulator in a plug adapter may fail, which could potentially cause a fire. To avoid this risk, it is recommended to use a power cord to connect your device to the electrical outlet. This will ensure that your device is charged safely and efficiently. Before using a plug adap ter, you must ensure the device is genuinely dual voltage. Most cell phones, digital cameras, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers, not including peripheral equipment, i.e., monitor, printer, etc.) are dual voltage. Plug Adapters Este sitio contiene enlaces a sitios web afiliados, y recibimos una comisión de afiliado por cualquier compra realizada por usted en el sitio web afiliado utilizando dichos enlaces. Manuales de usuario en inglés Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Helpful Products Transformadores ¡La transformación de voltaje es mágica! Es una broma. Muchos sitios explican los detalles técnicos de este proceso si le interesa conocer las complejidades, pero aquí solo discutiremos la información crucial. Transformers Navigate to Types of Transformers View More Electricity Cost Calculator View More Size Needed View More Other Considerations View More Cost Considerations View More Helpful Products View More Transformer Size Needed Tipos de transformadores de voltaje Para utilizar un aparato de 110v-120v en Alemania, se necesita un transformador "Step Up". Comprar un transformador "Step Up & Down" es una buena idea si se comprarán dispositivos de 220v-240v y se llevarán de regreso a los estados en el futuro. Los adaptadores de enchufe se pueden utilizar con un transformador. ¿Qué tamaño de transformador necesitas? Find the Wattage of the Appliance 1. Encuentre la potencia del aparato Esta información se puede encontrar en la parte posterior, inferior o en el manual del dispositivo. Si el aparato no indica el vataje, calcule el vataje encontrando el amperaje y el voltaje del dispositivo. Voltios x amperios = vatios You can calculate the wattage by finding the device's amperage and voltage. Volts x Amps = Watts 3 amperios x 120 voltios = 360 vatios 1 Calculate the Size of the Transformer Needed for the Appliance Use the maximum wattage for the appliance in your calculation; always round up the wattage to the closest transformer size available. Appliances with a Motor i.e., blender, mixer, etc. Use this formula: (Watts x 0.8)+Watts = Minimum Transformer Wattage Capacity Needed Ejemplo: Ejemplo: (525 x 0,8) + 525 = 945 vatios 3 amperios x 120 voltios = 360 vatios (360 x 0,2) + 360 = 432 Ejemplo: Appliances without a Motor i.e., television, gaming console, etc. Use this formula: (Watts x 0.2)+Watts = Minimum Transformer Wattage Capacity Needed Para este electrodoméstico, compre un transformador de 1000 vatios o más. 2 Para este electrodoméstico, compre un transformador de 1000 vatios o más. Cautions 3 ¡No encienda ningún aparato con una potencia superior a la capacidad del transformador, o corre el riesgo de dañar tanto su dispositivo como el transformador! Si dos o más electrodomésticos están funcionando simultáneamente en el mismo transformador, sume el vataje de ambos electrodomésticos juntos para el cálculo correcto. Los transformadores de servicio pesado solo se pueden usar de forma continua (24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana) al 17% -80% de su capacidad de potencia. Cost Considerations ¿Qué tamaño de transformador necesitas? Los transformadores en uso consumen la potencia máxima (vataje) del transformador en todo momento, en comparación con un aparato de doble voltaje que solo consume el vataje necesario para alimentar el dispositivo. Ejemplo: Uso de un transformador de 500 vatios para alimentar un televisor de 120 v / 360 vatios durante 4 horas al día. El precio actual de la electricidad por kWh es de 0,3065 € (Enero de 2020 ENBW) 500 vatios x 4 horas / día = 2000 vatios-hora por día 2000 ÷ 1000 = 2 kWh (kilovatios-hora) por día 2 kWh x 365 días = 730 kWh / año 730kWh / año x 0,3065 € = 223,75 € / año Comparado con un televisor de doble voltaje con la misma potencia. 360 vatios x 4 horas / día = 1440 vatios-hora por día 1440 ÷ 1000 = 1,44 kWh (kilovatios-hora) por día 1,44 kWh x 365 días = 525,6 kWh / año 525,6 x 0,3065 € = 161,10 € / año Utilizar un transformador te costará 62,65 € (39%) más al año. Calcule el costo de otros electrodomésticos con esta conveniente calculadora de costos de energía. Compared to a dual-voltage television with the same wattage. 360 Watts x 4 hours/day=1440 Watt-hours per day 1440 ÷ 1000= 1.44 kWh (kilowatt-hours) per day 1.44 kWh x 365 days=525.6 kWh/year 525.6 kWh/year x 0.6053= 318.15€/year Using a transformer will cost you 123.72€ (39%) more per year. Calculate the electricity cost for other appliances with this convenient energy cost calculator and see how much you can save per year. Electricity Cost Calculator Other Considerations Types of Transformers Electricity Cost Calculator ¿Qué tamaño de transformador necesitas? Before bringing those 110-120V devices* consider the following: Limited storage in the kitchen and no closets. The extra costs incurred using a transformer and purchasing a transformer. The current utilization of the device The original price, current resale value, and replacement cost Does the replacement cost outweigh the added expense of using a transformer? 220V-240V appliances with a motor from North America can NOT be used with a transformer, for example, clothes dryers, stoves, ovens, cooktops, and air conditioners. Refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, or dishwashers will require a special transformer hardwired into the house's electrical system. *Base housing has 110V and 220V outlets Este sitio contiene enlaces a sitios web afiliados, y recibimos una comisión de afiliado por cualquier compra realizada por usted en el sitio web afiliado utilizando dichos enlaces. Manuales de usuario en inglés Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Stuttgart FAQ Favorite Transformer Helpful Products Manuales de usuario en inglés No se recomienda utilizar adaptadores de enchufe con sistemas de juego. Los jugadores han informado problemas con el sobrecalentamiento de los adaptadores de enchufe. La mejor opción es cambiar el cable de alimentación por el voltaje correcto (si se indica). Si el sistema es de doble voltaje, cambie el cable de alimentación por un enchufe europeo. A continuación, encontrará información sobre los sistemas de juego más populares y sus requisitos de voltaje. Este sitio contiene enlaces a sitios web afiliados, y recibimos una comisión de afiliado por cualquier compra realizada por usted en el sitio web afiliado utilizando dichos enlaces. Navigate to Nintendo View More PlayStation View More XBOX View More Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Reemplace el cable de alimentación por uno que tenga un enchufe europeo para obtener los mejores resultados de carga. Gaming Systems Nintendo Los primeros modelos de PS 2 sin el bloque de alimentación externo deben usarse con un transformador de 200W. SLIM Cambie el cable de alimentación de 2 clavijas solo si la fuente de alimentación (bloque) tiene una potencia nominal de 120 V-240 V; si no, reemplace el bloque también. Cambie el cable de alimentación de 2 clavijas por un enchufe europeo. PlayStation Si compró en un país que usa 110v, use un transformador de 300W con esta consola. La capacidad de la fuente de alimentación interna no está clasificada para países que utilizan electricidad de 220 voltios. Los jugadores han informado que cambiar el bloque de alimentación a un bloque de 220v es suficiente. Xbox no recomienda esto y afirma que la fuente de alimentación interna no está clasificada para 220 voltios. Utilice un transformador de 200 W o proceda bajo su propio riesgo. Si compró en un país que usa 110v, use un transformador de 300W con esta consola. La capacidad de la fuente de alimentación interna no está clasificada para países que utilizan electricidad de 220 voltios. Reemplace la fuente de alimentación (ladrillo) si no está clasificada para 220v junto con un cable de alimentación de enchufe europeo. Cambie el cable de alimentación por un enchufe europeo. Cambie el cable de alimentación por un enchufe europeo. XBOX Translations Traducciones inglés Secador de condensador Tendedero Secadora Hoja secadora Hierro Tabla de planchar alemán Kondenstrockner Trockenständer Wäschetrockner Trocknertuch Bügeleisen Bügelbrett * El color del texto indica el género del artículo der / die / das / die
- From USA Bases | Stuttgart FAQ
Top of Page Kelley Barracks Panzer Kaserne Patch Barracks Robinson Barracks From USA Bases 1 From USA Bases 2 From USA Bases 3 From USA Bases 4 From USA Bases 5 Transporte público de Cuartel de Kelley Transporte público desde las bases estadounidenses Kelley Barracks Read More Panzer Kaserne Read More Patch Barracks Read More Robinson Barracks Read More Kelley Barracks Getting to downtown Stuttgart or the airport on public transportation is easily accessible using the S-Bahn, U-Bahn, Zacke, or the bus. The closest U-Bahn stops to Kelley Barracks are Landhaus or Degerloch . You can either walk to either stop or take the bus. Landhaus Walk Time: 17 minutes Distance: 1.4 km To Hauptbahnhof (HBF) Downtown Stuttgart U3 Vaihingen BF Ride 4 stops to Möhringen , then change to U6 Gerlingen To Airport (Flughafen) U3 Vaihingen BF Ride 9 stops to Vaihingen , then change to S2 Filderstadt or S3 Flughafen/Messe Find departure times on the VVS Website. Kelley Barracks Panzer Kaserne Getting to downtown Stuttgart or the airport on public transportation is simple by using the S-Bahn. The closest S-Bahn stop to Panzer Kaserne is Goldberg . You can either walk to or take the bus to the Goldberg or the Böblingen station. A continuación encontrará indicaciones para llegar a pie a todas las paradas más cercanas a poca distancia de Panzer, junto con el número de autobús y el nombre de la dirección hacia la parada Goldberg o Böblingen ZOB. Encuentre horarios de salida en el sitio web de VVS. Goldberg Walk Time: 29 minutes Distance: 2.5 km To Hauptbahnhof (HBF) Downtown Stuttgart To Airport (Flughafen) S1 Plochingen/Kirchheim S1 Kirchheim Ride for 1 stop to Rohr, change to the S2 Filderstadt or S3 Flughafen/Messe Find departure times on the VVS Website. Patch Barracks Getting to downtown Stuttgart or the airport on public transportation is accessible using the S-Bahn. The closest S-Bahn stops to Patch Barracks are Vahingen or Universität . You can either walk to or take the bus to these stops. A continuación encontrará indicaciones para llegar a pie a todas las paradas más cercanas a poca distancia de Panzer, junto con el número de autobús y el nombre de la dirección hacia la parada Goldberg o Böblingen ZOB. Encuentre horarios de salida en el sitio web de VVS. Vaihingen Walk Time: 29 minutes Distance: 2.4 km To Hauptbahnhof (HBF) Downtown Stuttgart To Airport (Flughafen) S1 Plochingen/Kirchheim S2 Schorndorf S3 Backnang S2 Filderstadt S3 Flughafen/Messe Find departure times on the VVS Website. Panzer Kaserne Patch Barracks Robinson Barracks Getting to downtown Stuttgart or the airport on public transportation is effortless by using the S-Bahn or the U-Bahn. The closest U-Bahn stops to Robinson Barracks are Schozacher Straße or Hallschlag . The nearest S-Bahn stop to Robinson Barracks in Zuffenhausen . All stops are within walking distance. Schozacher Straße Walk Time: 8 minutes Distance: 750 meters To Hauptbahnhof (HBF) Downtown Stuttgart U7 Nellingen Ostfildern To Airport (Flughafen) U7 Nellingen Ostfildern Ride 10 stops to Hauptbahnhof change trains to the S2 Filderstadt or S3 Flughafen/Messe. Find departure times on the VVS Website. Robinson Barracks
- Stuttgart Expats | Stuttgart FAQ
If you are an expat living in Stuttgart, Germany, you know how hard it can be to make friends. Whether you are new to the area or have been living there for many years, finding like-minded people who share your interests and values can be difficult. This is where the Stuttgart Expat Group comes in. The Stuttgart Expat Group is a community of expats who have come together to share their experiences and build meaningful connections. The group is open to anyone living in Stuttgart, whether they are new to the city or have been living there for many years. The group meets regularly and offers a variety of activities and events, from cultural outings and sports activities to language exchanges and social gatherings. This is an excellent opportunity for expats to meet new people, practice their language skills, and learn local tips and tricks. The Stuttgart Expat Group also provides members a platform to learn more about the city and its surrounding areas. They often organize excursions to popular attractions and events, such as the Christmas markets and Oktoberfest. There are also opportunities to take part in language classes and attend lectures and workshops. Overall, Stuttgart Expats is invaluable, and joining in on an event will enhance your experience of living in Stuttgart. Stuttgart Expats Meetups In addition to hosting fabulous events, Stuttgart Expats has a wealth of knowledge on their site to help you navigate living in Stuttgart. Let Stuttgart Expats help you navigate Driving School Get your German Drivers License Driving School Tax Consultant English Speaking Tax Accountant Tax Consultant First Aid First Aid Course in English First Aid Health Insurance English speaking customer service Health Insurance
- Regional Trains | Stuttgart FAQ
Trenes regionales In Germany, trains are a popular way of traveling around the country. With a comprehensive network of railway lines, Germany has some of the best train services in Europe. With modern high-speed trains, travelers can reach almost any major city in the country quickly and conveniently. For those looking to explore Germany, trains are a great option. Many popular routes from city to city are served by fast, comfortable InterCity Express (ICE) trains. These trains offer a convenient and reliable way to move between cities and regions, connecting travelers to the country's most popular destinations. For international travelers, there is also a range of international train services that connect Germany to neighboring countries. Our website is supported by our users. This site contains links to an affiliate website. We receive a small affiliate commission for any purchases you make on the affiliate website using such links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Debe comprar billetes para trenes y autobuses que viajen fuera del área de Stuttgart a través de Deutsch Bahn. La La aplicación Deutsch Bahn Navigator facilita la compra de billetes. Advance Booking Booking tickets in advance will save you money. The further from the date of travel, the more you save. Reserve a Seat Reserving a seat on a long journey guarantees you will have a seat for the entire trip. An electronic display above the seat displays the seat's status. ggf. freigeben - The seat is not reserved, but this is not guaranteed for the entire journey. A person boarding one of the stops may have secured this seat. ggf. reserviert (or the name of the route) - Seat is reserved. Nothing illuminated indicates the seat is not reserved. Use Chrome Deutsche Bahn's website contains detailed information. More information regarding journeys and helpful information is available if you keep the language in German and allow Chrome to translate the page for you. FlixTrain es una excelente manera de viajar caro. FlixTrain viaja de Stuttgart a Berlín dos veces al día. Puedes encontrar entradas a partir de 5 €. La ruta de tren de Stuttgart a Berlín se detiene en: Heidelberg - Weinheim - Darmstadt - Frankfurt - Fulda - Eisenach - Gotha - Erfurt - Halle Pague los 2 € extra por un asiento. Este tren es a menudo lleno lleno con muchas personas de pie. FlixBus es otra forma alternativa económica de viajar por gran parte de Europa. Local Trains DB Tips